Mestre Gabriel, born OTD in 1922, founded the União do Vegetal, a Christian religious sect that considers #ayahuasca to be its main sacrament #history
Mestre Gabriel, born OTD in 1922, founded the União do Vegetal, a Christian religious sect that considers #ayahuasca to be its main sacrament #history
too good not to share
(and yes, a lot of these guys really do think bitcoin = world peace)
Largest-Ever Study on Ayahuasca Reveals Its Potential to Boost Mental Health and Well-Being
#news #psychedelics #hallucinogens #ayahuasca #health #mentalhealth #psychology
"Over the past few decades, the use of ayahuasca has spread beyond its traditional settings to more urban and international contexts. Its growing popularity has sparked interest among researchers due to anecdotal reports of its potential #mentalhealth benefits. These reports suggest that #ayahuasca may alleviate symptoms of #depression, anxiety, and #addiction while fostering personal insight and #emotionalresilience."
Largest-ever survey on ayahuasca highlights links to better mental health and wellbeing #Ayahuasca #MentalHealth #Wellbeing #CommunitySupport #MysticalExperience
O salão da #Ayahuasca no Céu do Planalto.
Cae otro grupo que captaba personas vulnerables a través de la ayahuasca. Pasito a paso se va desmontando la realidad que pretenden ocultar. #secta
#ayahuasca #guru @policia
One of my strongest #ActuallyAutistic traits for most of my life has been being literal. I took people for their word when they said who they were. I consumed culture without noticing much subtext (unless someone pointed it out).
After #Ayahuasca, this changed. I could be rewatching a show and suddenly see the meta-layers. During this period, I could at times feel how new space was unfolding in my mind.
I've been pondering explanations for this, and I think that a plausible theory is …
Mestre Gabriel, who died OTD in 1971, founded the União do Vegetal, a Christian religious sect that considers #ayahuasca to be its main sacrament #history
Chiquets, el documental de sectas de hoy es Antares de la Luz: La Secta del Fin del Mundo en Netflix.
Un pequeño grupo sectario chileno bajo el control de un líder autoritario y violento (y vago) autoproclamado Jesús pronostica el fin del mundo en 2022.
De su base teórica destacan Las Enseñanzas de Don Juan de Castaneda (concepto de guerrero y sacrificio) y el uso de la Ayahuasca (visiones y alucinaciones).
@lowqualityfacts Finally, a legitimate use for AY -- Ayahuasca!
#Ayahuasca, #WeatherForecasting, #LowQualityFacts, #TuckersBalls
Gathering chacruna leaf for a Matsigenka ayahuasca ceremony with National Geographic photographer Charlie Hamilton James
Ancient artists high on hallucinogens may have carved dancer rock art in Peru #archaeology #Peru #Andes #hallucinogens #RockArt #Amazon #Tucano ayahuasca #ayahuasca
In the #Ayahuasca #feitio at Céu do Planalto, a root part of the #jagube (vine) looked like a giant heart, and my good friend Lou Gold transformed it into an "exploding heart".
In a week where Ash Wenesday coincided with American Valentines Day, a powerful spark!
The Center for the Study of World #Religions hosted an author discussion with Professor Bill Barnard about his recent book, "Liquid Light: #Ayahuasca Spirituality and the Santo Daime Tradition".
The book offers an in-depth immersion into the complex and fascinating world of the #SantoDaime – a relatively new religion that emerged out of the Amazon rainforest region of Brazil in the middle of the twentieth century, and which now has churches throughout the world.
During the #Carnival holiday in #Brazil, it's time for the communal preparation of #Ayahuasca at the Céu do Planalto Community. The men are lined up for the ceremonial processing of the #jagube vine before combining it with the #rainha leaves in the pan.
Mestre Gabriel, born OTD in 1922, founded the União do Vegetal, a Christian religious sect that considers #ayahuasca to be its main sacrament #history
"Is taking #ayahuasca the same in mainland #China as in South America or downtown Manhattan? Join journalists Oshan Jarow and Shayla Love live in New York City in conversation with anthropologists Alex Gearin and Nicolas Langlitz on how #culture influences #psychedelic use and experience, and Alex’s ethnography of psychedelic use in China."
Publication initiale le 1er septembre 2023.
#Ayahuasca, starseeds, mission de vie, #lithothérapie, psychogénéalogie, shifting, #méditation, éveil des consciences…
Toutes ces idées et pratiques ont pour point commun d’avoir un lien fort avec un courant de pensée présent dans à peu près tous les domaines de votre vie, sans forcément que vous vous en rendiez compte : l’#ésotérisme New Age.
I’m reading “The Cosmic Serpent – DNA and the origins of knowledge”. I’m only halfway through, but it I can already recommend it to anyone interested in non-human (and human) consciousness, and/or psychedelics.
I see the stories about “information download” during psychedelic experiences (and my own experience of Ayahuasca) in a new light.