A reminder that there is NOTHING Musk can do that will prompt journalists to stop supporting his business.
Disgusting on his part, as usual.
But disgraceful on their part.
Posted this again on the deadbird site:
Standing offer for journalists: I'll help you get set up on Mastodon and will help you bring your Twitter audience along (and find new followers and rich engagement there). All I ask is that you migrate -- over time, not instantly -- your social media activity there.
we should put together an official Fedi Welcoming Committee. help start servers. talk them through stuff. did anything like that exist in the days of the early web?
but what got most people from just using AOL to browsing the web? I can't remember.
@wjmaggos @dangillmor Several factors:
1. Netscape Navigator
2. Pr0n
so mozilla.social and more #nsfw posts?
Bro broke through the iron curtain into the sterilized part of the Fediverse.
@dcc @Maholmire @dangillmor @dragonsidedd
I would like less server blocks. more good faith disagreement. imo the compromise is dark fedi servers that don't want to be defederated, not tolerating users who harass people. posting crazy or even mean shit should be tolerated as long as you don't @ people with stuff they probably won't like. it's obvious etiquette people understand IRL. do what you like with friends etc. obviously there will be some edge cases but most of this is pretty obvious.
it's not imo. if people expect to have deal with random assholes all the time themselves, they won't spend any time on the fedi. you don't get to be an asshole IRL, we shouldn't tolerate that here. use two accounts. don't put the burden on the rest of us.
I have experienced drive-by assholes. I know lots of people have. I want everyone on the fedi. You should not be suppressed for non liberal opinions, but also people should not expect to get trolled for putting up pictures of themselves or their family or strongly supporting black, gay or trans issues etc. my sense is that the people who report few problems don't do that. very few on dark fedi use anything like a real name or profile pic afaik. compromise is not evil.
@wjmaggos @dragonsidedd @dangillmor
Major killer was DSL. You no longer needed AOL to log into the internet. You were always on
It took a couple years but by 2000 people were using the open internet through various browsers. People learned they didn't need a spoonfed corporate service to access the content. MSN died around the same time DSL was available~ same with Prodigy/Juno. Then, cable came
Here's hoping that happens with the fediverse versions of corp. social media and other platforms
@paul @wjmaggos @dangillmor Yeah thinking on it now... you're right, it was always-on DSL/cable that killed AOL.
AOL/CompuServe were about "getting online". Suddenly we (at least, our household PCs) were *always* online. No gate, no gatekeeper.
@wjmaggos @dragonsidedd @dangillmor
I was a Usenet holdout. Lol
The Time Warner merge killed everything it touched.
They had all the tech but screwed the migration from being a telecom dialup service to portal/service of all things.
Also, those numbers seem low until you consider each dialup subscriber had multiple family members users. At its peak, nearly half the US population used it to get on the internet
@paul @wjmaggos @dangillmor
> Usenet
Sometimes I uuencode my pr0n, just for old times' sake